03 July 2011

The Bintulu Journals: 28th June

Hello Bintulu.

That’s where I am today. That’s where I was told I’d be coming told by a kind colleague informally on Sunday night. And that’s where my manager told me I’d be heading to 24 hours ago. And here I am now, eating lunch out of a polystyrene box, brought in by a staff at the client office.


Two vegetables and one (very tough) meat. If it’s any consolation, at least the three boxes of rice was brought in on  a shiny metal tray, rather than in a plastic bag *optimism*

I am starting to wonder if I will start losing weight during my 6-day stay. Yes, we should always be hopeful.

When I found out about this posting, my first thoughts were: “But I’m menstruating!”, “But Dom is coming back this week and we’re supposed to meet up!”… then reality sunk in and i thought “Well at least I’m with nice colleagues”.

The night before the bf packed my bags for me. Probably because he could not stand seeing me packing at snail pace. It was sweet and at the same time frustrating because I could not keep track of my things. But now, thinking of all the things he did for me – take me to buy my necessities, drive me to the airport at 5.45, give me encouraging words, I feel a bit bad for snapping.

Waking up at 5am was most dreadful – I have never been a morning person. Lack of sleep and uncertain of what awaits, I hopped onto the flight. It was the first of me boarding MAS wings. I flew in a mini plane with four seats in a row and slept until they served breakfast. I had my first shot of caffeine, perked up and started anticipating what was coming.

IMG_3178 (2)

I arrived at Bintulu airport met by a rainy day. It was refreshing to hear and smell rain after the many dry days in Kuching. I and stood there waiting for my transport with no idea who was coming, what car he drove, where we were going or what time he was arriving. The guy finally came anyway and took me straight to the client’s office. *faith* lol

So lunch time is over, I’ve had my second mug of coffee and enough caffeine to get me through noon,so I shall get back to work. Can’t wait to see how the living quarters looks like. Not keeping my hopes high because I haven’t heard many encouraging comments about it. But my aim is to hop into bed by 10pm.

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